Anni Harju joins Vuono Group

Anni Harju, MSc in Economics and Head of Strategy at Futurice, joins the board of directors at Vuono Group. Anni is also a member of the Futurice leadership team, a board member at Thriv and an executive advisor to – both companies belonging to the Futurice Family.

Intelligent automation is one of the top technology trends at the moment and our unique end-to-end approach maximises its business impact.
— Anni Harju

Anni is a forerunner in building modern organisations in high performing tech companies such as Futurice and Vuono Group. You can read some of her recent articles e.g. at the Directors’ Institute Finland or in international publications such as the Harvard Business Review.

“I am excited to join the Vuono Group team. Intelligent automation is one of the top technology trends at the moment and our unique end-to-end approach maximises its business impact. We have ambitious goals to grow Vuono Group into the best consultancy and workplace in this field,” comments Anni Harju.

We are lucky to have Anni on the board. Her experience and strategic thinking will be important when defining the future of modern business operations and software development. We look forward to learn a lot from her,” comments Lauri Eloranta, chair of the board at Vuono Group.

Futurice made a strategic investment in Vuono Group in 2021 to expand its family offering in modern business process management. As a board member, Anni will play an important part in the development of Vuono Group’s strategy and organisation.

Vuono Group

We Specialise in Digital Process Development


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