Auditing current Production System architecture to provide a way forward

Vuono Group analysed Nordic Trout’s production system architecture and evaluated potential risks in the current architectural setup. The production system audit project provided insight into the key bottlenecks of the business architecture and guided Nordic Trout to make informed decisions about the future.

The ability to forecast the future is vital in fish farming. Rainbow trout take three years to grow from spawn into full-sized adults, and since fish spend their time underwater, they cannot be constantly weighed, counted or otherwise analysed. But in order to succeed in the fish farming business and to comply with the environmental regulation, fish farmers need to have a pretty accurate understanding of the amount of fish they have “in production”.

Nordic Trout is the largest farmer of rainbow trout in Finland and Sweden. To keep track of all of the above, they currently use an internally developed operational production system. Developed in the late 2000’s, the solution has served the company well in their planning and reporting needs but has started to show its age, especially in terms of connectivity to other systems. Nordic Trout wanted to perform a risk assessment of the existing solution and get an outside perspective on the different alternative ways to evolve the system.

“We are really happy about the Fish Farming Production System architecture work done by Vuono Group. The architecture risk audit revealed the key bottlenecks as well as relevant options for us to consider when moving forward. This enabled us to make an informed decision on our future IT systems that are optimal fit for our business.” 

– Alf-Håkan Romar, CEO at Nordic Trout

Collaboration in brief

  • Analysing the current state solution & production system architecture 

  • Identifying and evaluating the issues and risks in the current architectural setup

  • Generating and evaluating different architectural scenarios to evolve the system

Our approach

Collaboration kicked off with current state analysis. Our team of experts conducted several interviews with key stakeholders to form an understanding of the user groups, how they currently utilise the system and what kind of issues they face in their daily work. We also mapped the business capabilities that different software components provide in the current architectural setup. 

Next, we documented our findings and drew an architectural diagram of the current production system architecture. We then set up a workshop with the interviewees to assess the identified issues and risks in relation to their future business impact and the difficulty of mitigating them in the current architectural setup. Architectural scenarios were compared from different perspectives and special consideration was given to the way the capabilities provided by the different components would change in them.

Finally, we suggested optional paths forward with the different scenarios and formed Total Cost of Ownership calculations for two of the potential scenarios.

Understanding the current state bottlenecks and future scenarios for digital efficiency

Vuono Group had a positive impact on Nordic Trout's business. The main areas of impact were:

  • The production system audit project provided insight into the key bottlenecks of the business architecture

  • The project provided a way for the organisation to form a shared understanding of the current state

  • The proposed architectural scenarios combined with long-term TCO calculations enabled Nordic Trout to make informed decisions about the way forward

Vuono Group

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