Speeding Up Development Process Throughput with Design System and UI Toolkit
With consistent, intuitive, and well-documented component interfaces, we significantly increased the development process clock speed, improved maintainability, and increased efficiency at Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus).
Business Architecture Transformation to Support the Scaling of a Rapidly Growing Business
To support Printcom's rapid growth and efficient and cost-effective scaling, Vuono Group helped with business architecture planning and transformation.
AI-Powered Material Sensing Platform for Global Supply Chain Security
As a long-time exclusive software, data and platform development partner, we helped Spectral Engines design, build and scale up a revolutionary spectroscopy analytics platform that analyses and identifies materials.
Re-engineering IoT architecture results in over 80% OPEX savings and improved scalability
LeaseGreen faced escalating operational costs and rigidity in their existing IoT architecture. Collaborating with Vuono Group, they transitioned to a cloud-based solution, resulting in over 80% OPEX savings and enhanced scalability.
Building robustness and agility into continuous development with SATO
During several years of collaboration, Vuono Group has helped SATO to enable fast-paced service development processes without sacrificing quality.
Business architecture transformation for a company restructuring
Vuono Group helped Finnpark with business architecture planning and transformation to support the company's restructuring and future development.
AI-Enabled Cancer Research with St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute
We developed the process and data analysis pipeline that supports RNA sequencing as part of the international project investigating the immune response to cell therapy treatments for the Austrian St. Anna Children's Hospital and Cancer Research Institute.
Scaling up the digital investment platform and services for Seligson & Co
Seligson & Co hired Vuono Group to help improve and scale up their digital investment platform and services, starting from their mobile application Taskusalkku. The focus of the collaboration has been on improving technical capabilities and scalability, as well as user experience.
Using AI for dynamic price prediction in the largest motorised vehicle market in Finland
We focused on improving NettiX’s user experience by using AI to provide automated market knowledge about prices and selling times.
Developing a roadmap to enable better customer relationships
We analysed Neve's business and information system architecture to clarify CRM processes. Our work surfaced central pain points, different solution options, and a phased roadmap for improvement.
Optimising people and time resources with NLP
We built a predictive scoring system prototype with natural language processing. The system condenses complex information into single metrics with high predictive value to optimise inspection resources effectively.
Preparing for a Camunda upgrade and developing DevOps practices
We helped Tecnotree with two main areas regarding their event based order management system: developing the environment and preparing for a smooth migration from Camunda Platform 7 to Camunda Platform 8.
Using natural language processing to increase the probability of grant funding
Our unique Finnish-language ontology tool Varis AI and NLP helped Laurea to efficiently read, understand, summarise and find semantic similarities in a large number of texts.
AWS cloud architecture and cloud migration for NettiX marketplaces
NettiX wanted to modernise hosting infrastructure and enable new services development. They also hoped to gain more cost control and flexibility compared to what was provided by traditional data center hosting.
Private 5G design for Ekahau
A new software solution for private 5G network design with a scalable software architecture and features such as automatic wall detection and AI-assisted radio placement.
Auditing current Production System architecture to provide a way forward
Production system audit provided insight into the key bottlenecks of the business architecture and guided Nordic Trout to make informed decisions about the future.
Digital automation improves health care processes, which saves time and money
The wellbeing services county of Päijät-Häme wanted to optimise processes, improve customer experience and lower operating costs.
Building a modern custom ERP solution to be maintained as a managed service
A subscription based ERP solution Vuono Group develops and provides for importers in the food and beverages industry as a managed service.