Vuono Group partners with the EU in Digital Automation

Vuono Group has been granted financial support for its Digital Business Development programme by the European Union.

“The received EU funding enables us to plan our digital business platform and automation concepts for international scaling. Finland has great potential to lead the digital automation market”, says Teemu Moisala, founding partner at Vuono Group and board member at VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland) who also visited The European Commission in September 2022 to discuss the topic.

Teemu Moisala visiting The European Commission to discuss digital automation after the project.

As a part of this project Vuono Group has designed

  • A service concept for digital efficiency

  • Digital business platform

  • Automation methodology, frameworks, and tools such as the Digital Twin Canvas

These concepts were validated both with local and international stakeholders.


Discussion with Anders Stenbäck


Alex Darlington joins Vuono Group