Teemu Moisala joins Vuono Group

Teemu Moisala, CEO of Futurice, VTT Board member and one of the most experienced IT consultancy and digital business professionals in Finland, with over two decades of experience in helping companies in digital transformation, is joining Vuono Group as Co-Founder and Managing Partner.

In the past Teemu has been helping global companies such as BMW, Vodafone, SAS, E.On, Nokia and Zalando to run their digital businesses.

Before joining Vuono Group Teemu was the CEO of Futurice, a leading digital consultancy creating digital impact in Germany, UK, Sweden and Finland. During Teemu’s time at Futurice the company grew from a small Finnish agency with a few employees to a global multinational player with over 600 employees and 7 offices, and was selected as Europe’s best place to work twice.

Teemu Moisala is also a board member of VTT, the leading technical research centre of Finland.

“The other side of things is the Vuono culture: we are building the best workplace at the same time”

“I have always been passionate about building new digital businesses and great working cultures. At Vuono Group we will help our customers succeed in their digital automation initiatives and create a lasting business impact. The other side of things is the Vuono culture: we are building the best workplace at the same time,“ comments Managing Partner Teemu Moisala.

“It’s fantastic to have someone with Teemu’s experience and drive to be part of the team. He has immense experience in both building a company with exceptional culture as well as helping clients on their digital journey. I couldn’t be more excited about the journey ahead with Teemu and the team,” comments CEO Ari Kronholm.

Teemu Moisala is in charge of sales and business development at Vuono Group, so don’t hesitate to contact Teemu in any matters related to new business.

Vuono Group

We Specialise in Digital Process Development


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Vuono Group featured in Finland’s top business newspaper Kauppalehti